What To Know About Immunizations

Want to get the facts about the childhood immunizations our Greenville, SC, team offers? 

From vaccine safety to immunizations your child needs before heading to school, our Greenville, SC, pediatricians Dr. Dawn Polly and Dr. Eugene Golding, are valuable sources of information that you’ll rely on regularly to keep your child healthy. Here’s what you should know about childhood immunizations,

Vaccines Protect Against Disease

One of the biggest reasons to keep up to date on your child’s vaccine schedule is that this is simply the easiest and most effective way to prevent disease. Vaccines will help bolster your child’s immune system through immunity, so they are protected when they come in contact with certain life-threatening communicable diseases. Of course, vaccines protect not only your child but also the community at large, particularly immunocompromised individuals who can’t get vaccinated.

Most Vaccines are Administered During Infancy 

Your child will have about 80 percent of the vaccinations by the time they turn two years old. That’s because newborns are particularly susceptible to severe infections, and it’s important to start protecting them as soon as possible. Of course, you will still turn to our Greenville, SC, team throughout their childhood for additional immunizations, but the majority will be given within the first two years of life.

Natural Immunity isn’t Necessarily Better

So parents wonder, “If my child just contracts an illness, won’t they have a strong immune response than if they get vaccinated against it?” This is a fair question; however, these vaccinations were created for a reason. Everything from chickenpox to Haemophilus influenza type B (Hib) can lead to severe complications. So, vaccinating your child against these diseases is best.

We know that nothing is more important than protecting your child from disease, and our Greenville, SC, pediatricians want to ensure that all parents bring their children in for their immunizations on time. To schedule your child’s next appointment or to find out which vaccines your child will need soon, call Express Pediatric Care at (864) 551-2422.

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