The Importance of Child Immunizations

Making sure that your child is healthy is part of the care you provide. Making sure they get immunization in Greenville, SC is part of good pediatric child care. Dr. Dawn Polly and Dr. Eugene Golding of Express Pediatric Care provide healthcare for children from birth through age 18 and immunizations are a part of that care.

Why immunization is important

The importance of immunization can't be stressed enough. These vaccines are lifesaving. Unless your child has a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine, and these are very rare, it is important for every member of the family to get their immunizations. Too many cases of preventable diseases such as whooping cough and measles are occurring due to people not vaccinating their children.

Protects those who are vulnerable

Some people are vulnerable to preventable diseases. If your child has not been vaccinated, they may catch the disease and pass it to someone who is vulnerable. This includes infants too young to have received their immunizations yet or who are not fully vaccinated. Every year, 10 to 20 infants die from whooping cough because they are too young to be fully vaccinated. Also, children and adults who are undergoing chemotherapy are much more vulnerable than others to preventable diseases.

Protection for future generations

Diseases like smallpox have been eradicated from the world through vaccination. It would be a great thing if rubella could be the next to fall. Protecting pregnant women from passing the disease to their fetuses, where it can result in birth defects, is a great reason to push for immunization.

To get started with your child's immunization schedule or to have it reviewed in Greenville, SC, call Dr. Polly and Dr. Golding of Express Pediatric Care at (864) 551-2422.

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